First steps

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Estimated reading time: 1 min

Step 1: Choose a Riddle format.

Select one of the four formats and click on “Start from scratch”.

If you’re not sure which format to use, take our Riddle – “What type of Riddle quiz should I create?” – it will recommend the right format, based on your requirements.

Create unlimited Quizzes, Polls, Surveys, Personality quizzes, and other interactive content with Riddle Quiz Maker

Step 2: Name your Riddle.

Type a name in the “What do you want to call your Riddle?” box.

Give your quiz a unique name with Riddle Quiz Maker

Step 3: Add a cover page.

This is the first thing your audience will see before starting the Riddle. Upload a picture, write a title, and add a description (if you want).

Create a unique front cover as the starting page for your Quizzes, Polls, Surveys, Personality Quizzes, and other interactive content

Step 4: Choose a question type.

Click on “Add a question block” and select a question type from the drop-down menu.

Select a question type for your Riddle with Riddle Quiz Maker

Step 5: Fill out a question block.

Insert an image, audio, or video. Write a question and answer(s). Add optional explanations. Repeat this step for as many questions or blocks as you want.

Create a variety of questions for your Quizzes, Polls, Surveys, Personality quizzes, and other interactive content

Step 6: Save your Riddle.

  • Click on preview, click on publish, click on save.
Save your unique Riddle

Step 7: Done!

Your Riddle is live – you’re ready to engage your audience. Click on “Showcase” to try your Riddle.

Of course you can make changes to your Riddle at any time by clicking on “Create”.

See that your Riddle is published with the green circle
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